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  • Writer's pictureLogan Fetzer

Behind the Photo

This is the first entry of my new series, Behind the Photo. In this series, I'll be dissecting some of my favorite photos that I've taken, telling the story of how I took it, how I edited it, and just the backstory behind it. Without further ado, let's take a look at our first photo.

Ah, the small town water tower. In my town and many like it, this tower is a symbol for the town, our calling card.

This photo was shot on July 3rd, 2019. I was filling my car up with gas at the station across the street from the tower, and was just awestruck by the sky. The type of sky that you'll only ever find on spring and summer sunsets. Luckily I had my camera with me, and was able to drive a few blocks down to get the perspective I wanted.

I was shooting with a 50mm f1.8 lens, wide open, 1/80 shutter and an ISO of 100. In Lightroom, I lifted the blacks to give it that more matte look, shifted my blues to be more teal, shifted my reds to be more pink, and then warmed the whole picture.

In all, I think it all combined for a photo that just makes me feel nostalgic about my hometown, and it's one that will probably be hanging in my home one day for that very reason.

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